Eighteen months ago I was a couch potato with ambition. I would get fit, do a race or two, and maybe even do an ironman. My first triathlon was the inaugural Rotorua 1/2 Ironman in December 2006.
2km swim, 90km bike ride and a largely off-road 22km run. I came 4th to last in a field of 700ish. I was hooked!
In March 2007 I lined up with 1100 others for Ironman NZ. After a very long day I came home - in my second triathlon - in 4th to last place.
Next was the Rotorua marathon a couple of months later. I had to walk as an Achilles tendon injury sustained in IM training kept me slow. I entered the race as a runner though, in case I got the urge to trot a little (fat chance...) At the halfway point I was on target for a 6h walk, when I met an 80 yo man doing his 80th marathon. He was with a friend, but struggling. I became his doctor for the next 21km. We finished in 7h 15, making me.... 4th to last again... (among the runners that is).
Two weeks ago the Round The lake bike ride took place. 160km around lake Taupo. Lots of hills, 9000 riders (or thereabouts). I had diarrhoea and vomiting, one spare tube and two punctures, a broken bike shoe, some pillocks throwing a bottle at me from a passing car.... it was a long day.
Just near the finish I passed a man riding a hand cart and his support person. Before rudely passing them I was second to last...but managed to finish in 11h 06min 30 sec, I came in - 4th to last.
This year I will train harder, I will swim further, bike more hills and walk with ferocity (the Achilles still hampers my running).
This year I will be 5th to last or faster....
Please..... :-)
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