Lord, how easy it can be, stuffed with milk and honey to remember how far you have brought us.
Through the seas, the wilderness, the searing dusty places where our stomachs growled a common language of want.
You fed, clothed, watered and loved us, created in your image, yet so determined to allow only a spark of your glory to shine through us.
How you have nurtured us, and moulded us - God-created mosaics of our experience and your grace.
Today, despondent, forgetful of our journey together I sat, head in hands.
Woeful, mindless in a garden you had me tend, waiting on a pillar of smoke to make me feel remembered, important.
Where were you?
A weeping maple drank my tears. Not salty desert tears, but too much milk-and-honey tears, forgetful self-centred tears. Impotent, not important tears.
Then three weightless fantails, all heartbeat and feathers, designed for your joy alone, alighted on the maple. They chittered their heaven sent message of praise, and when my heart lifted, they alighted back to you; my misery annulled by remembrance of your goodness.
Forgive my forgetfulness.
We have journeyed together over seas and through endless wilderness to this land of more than enough.
And again, thankyou.
I will remember, in my impotence, your endless and wonderful and central importance.
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