Grief dismembered me
Removed arms for hugging
Eyes for weeping, for scanning the exits
A tongue to cry out
Grief stopped my heart from quickening
Stole legs for running away, for moving towards, for stuttering steps
Immobile, I
Grief passed me his scalpel
I clenched it in my teeth
Pared away flesh, exposed nerve
Excised friend, home, memory
Loss cauterized the wounds
Tribeless, I
Grief suckled me, stroked my hair
“There, there. What need have you for hands to signal ‘Help, I’m drowning’?.
I will shelter you”.
Helpless, I
In the riptide
Time shuffled past, eroded grief’s grip
Created openings through which sprigs of life might slip and bloom
Light slanted shyly through
Illuminated, I
Time showed me other griefs, larger than mine
More valid
Self pity, exposed, self-immolates
Awakening, I
Then you,
Laid back, healthy, happened along
‘What are you doing with these?’
Plucked the shutters from my eyes
Unpinned my arms, wrapped so tightly around myself
You sneaked in the gap
We blossomed there
A warming embrace, given and received, breaks grief’s spell
Remembered, I
Unfriended grief; neutered and neutralized it
To set aside for now
Arms hug and are held
Legs move towards, wrap around
Eyes open, smile
Tongue speaks joy
Reconnected, I
Feel alive
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